
How to Build and Maintain Lasting Client Relationships

The key to any successful business hinges on its ability to build and maintain strong client relationships. This is no simple task, but if done correctly, it can set your company apart from its competitors. To make your life easier, we have put together three ways your business can build and maintain successful client relationships.

  • Listen – One of the more underrated aspects of any business relationship is the ability to listen to one another, More often than not, your clients will tell you exactly what they want if you just give them the opportunity. Remember to pay attention and ask questions.
  • Follow up with a Valid Business Reason – Not every touch or call has to be related to the job at hand, but it is important to stay top of mind with your clients. Getting to know your business partners on a low-pressure phone call or text can help build relationships that last. Send an
    interesting article or personalized letter on their birthday. Any little thing you can do to show your business partner you are thinking about them will help nurture the relationship.
  • Network – A client will undoubtedly appreciate the expertise you provide, but in addition to sharing your industry knowledge, it also helps to share potential contacts with them. If you connect them with powerful contacts, clients will develop trust in your ability. They may even decide to reciprocate this practice and send referral partners your way.

While a business relationship is different from a friendship, the same tactics often come into play. Spend time building a strong foundation and you will likely be able to count on these relationships for years to come.

Interested in building and maintaining your business relationships? Join us each month at Interchanges Events and put these newfound skills to the test.

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